Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter in Ecuador

Wedding bells—Man are they getting ready to ring! Wilson and Yusby are planning to get married in June in Peru. David and Priscila are going to be our first couple to have their wedding in the Lighthouse on May 21. The on May 27 Tom will officiate a group wedding of eight couples in Guayaquil.

Holy Week in Cuenca—Awesome is the best word to describe our week at ICW. We started out with early-morning prayer meetings at 5:30am, Monday through Friday. Attendance was 7-11 each day, with five people making it every day. Some walked for a mile in the pre-dawn darkness, through mud and cold rain. On Good Friday, after prayer time, we had sweet rolls and tea, then all eleven people stayed around to clean the kitchen, bathrooms, clean the yard and prepare the worship area for Good Friday service. We had loads of fun doing it too.

Jorge Luis—A regular attender of the early morning prayer meetings was Jorge Luis. He has struggled with addiction to nicotine and alcohol. He prayed one morning, “Thank you Lord, for another day of victory.” At the Good Friday service Jorge Luis and wife, Carla, gave a testimony of how God has brought their marriage back together. Jorge testified that in the last three years he has not touched a drop of alcohol. He praised God for freeing him several months ago from tobacco. He said, “Carla used to tell me she hoped I would find the same life in Christ that she had, and I didn’t understand. I didn’t understand how anybody could live without drinking and going to nightclubs and partying. Now I ask myself—How do people live, drinking and going to nightclubs and partying?” He then capped off his testimony by saying, “It used to be that Carla was an important part of my life—now I can say she IS my life!” He then embraced and kissed her.

Peace that passes all understanding—Fausto and Margot started coming to the Purpose Driven Life class in January. Margot had accepted Christ in a Bible study led by Sheree some months ago. Fausto however, has just begun to discover who God really is. He said a few weeks ago, “Our family knew nothing about the Bible—nothing. All we did in the evening was watch TV then go to bed. Now we are leaving the TV off and reading the Purpose Driven Life together as a family.

Fausto (seen with Tom in the picture above) recently had gall bladder surgery. He shared with Tom how peaceful he felt during the whole process. He commented on how the doctors were surprised at how relaxed he seemed before the operation. Even the guys at work asked him how he could be so calm before going under the knife. He said, “I just told them—“I am at peace in my home, and I am at peace with God.” He said his fellow managers at the factory were amazed.

He then confessed, “I really don’t understand it myself—this peace. I told my wife that I can’t figure out just why I feel so peaceful.” Tom then affirmed, “Fausto, that is the peace that passes all understanding, and it part of God’s presence in your life now.”

ICW—Easter service was great and included a drama and special music by the youth.
Tom preached about the empty tomb and the “empty” grave clothes being full of promise for us. At the close, Tom asked for short testimonies beginning with the words, “I praise my living Christ because….” Almost everyone shared a praise, including Fausto and Margot who stayed worship service for the first time. A dinner followed, then sports. Some who had come early at 8am to cook, were still at the church at 6pm playing volleyball. They must have been having a good time!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Elena's Muddy Boots

ICW—Holy week got off to a good start Palm Sunday. Singing was enthusiastic and heartfelt. The message from Mark 11-1-11 was engaging and the emphasis was on allowing Christ to make entry into our hearts, which will bring spiritual triumph.

Monday through Friday we are having early-morning prayer meetings at the church at 5:30am. This morning was rainy and cool, and of course very dark. Seven people attended. One was 67-year-old Elena (pictured to the right), who walked nearly a mile uphill to be there. Her boots were muddy, but she was there. Another attendee was Edison, a 17-year-old young man who also walked about a mile in the rain to be there. Prayer time was great and God touched every heart. As Nube prayed this morning she said, “Lord, thank you for our pastors—they have been a light in our lives.” I couldn’t help but think about the correlation with the new name “The Lighthouse.”

Good Friday’s noon service will be led by Sheree Wuertz and the youth. We will celebrate Holy Communion at the close. Easter service will include special participation by our youth through drama and special music. We will cap off the week with an Easter dinner on Sunday.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Sunday morning’s service included a report by three couples who are attending the marriage class led by the Wuertz. It was amazing to hear what God is doing by changing the way these couples think about their marriages. One mentioned, “The center must be Christ.” Carla stated that Sheree is an excellent leader for this class. Her description was, “Sheree, she is….she is….WOW!

Friday, April 8, 2011

People Helping People

ICW Racar—God continues to do great things at Racar. The youth group has grown to over twenty, with five of them joining the mentorship group under the direction of George and Sheree. Tom has begun weekly mentoring with Jorge Prieto. Jorge desires train to be a leader in the church. Another Jorge--Jorge Luis, testified about how God has brought him back from a period of running away from God. He shared how several nights ago, God’s Spirit touched him as he prayed and he broke down and sobbed, pouring out his heart to God. He and wife Carla have been attending regularly again, after a six-month absence. The new marriage enrichment group is growing. Seven couples were present this week. Marcelo and Nube filled in for the Wuertz a week ago and did well. Those who attend seem to be having a great time of sharing, growing and seeking God in their family relationships. Sheree is leading this group. During a recent visit in his home, Fausto Chalco gave a wonderful testimony of how what he had learned in the Purpose Driven Life Class helped him be a help to one of his workers at the factory. Fausto talked with the young mother and urged her to practice some of the principles he had recently learned at ICW, in regard to her children. She came to him later and told him that what he had taught her had changed her actions at home, and she avoided a possible violent confrontation. “It’s a good feeling to help people.” Fausto beamed. Yusby Villareal called Tom last Sunday to arrange help for a neighbor’s son whose marriage is in distress. Tom met with the wife, and is arranging counseling. We are beginning to see our people reaching out to others in the Racar community. The church is starting to “auto-generate” in its ministry perspective. People of ICW helping others. Pray this passion will grow and flourish.