Monday, July 29, 2013

The Greatest of these is love!

GUAYAQUIL—Yesterday the first adult Bible study was held in La 21 community with Pastor Juan Carlos Cruz and wife Diana leading. Also, Fortin celebrated their seventh anniversary with Jim Rice sharing a message.

CUENCA—The Lighthouse Church closed out its “Month of Love” yesterday with a message from I Corinthians 13.  Tom challenged the congregation to be a church known for its love and by welcoming all who might enter or pass by our church.

PRISON MINISTRY—This week Ana O. again came to services with her three sons.  She has been in church 7 of that last 8 Sundays.  Praise God!  Also, Tom and Lydia looked up Telma, an inmate who was released a few months ago after spending 5 years in prison. She lives in Duran, a suburb of Guayaquil. Looking for someone in a town of 4 million can be difficult, but God helped us find her quickly. We had a great visit in her home.  We met her children and her mother and father.  And her mom fixed us a great shrimp soup—bless her heart!  Pray for these releasees as restarting life on the “outside” is very tough.

Monday, July 22, 2013

New converts, new ball courts, new home group....

Guayaquil—Pastor Juan Carlos Cruz and wife Diana launched the first in-home activity by holding a Bible Study in the La 21 community Sunday, July 21.  Tom and Lydia will travel to Guayaquil Wednesday to hold a monthly Pacifica pastors meeting with Jim and Lori Rice.

Lighthouse—Sunday Tom preached the third message in a four-part series about love and forgiveness. The response to these messages has been very positive with about 30 seekers so far during this month. A highlight of yesterday’s service was the presence of Rev. Zandra Anderson, who dedicated her new granddaughter, little Karis Abigail Thompson to the Lord.

University ministries—Surveys have been done at the University of Cuenca by the Thompsons and a visiting team from Lawrence, Kansas with the hope of beginning some kind of university outreach in the next year. 

Sports courts--Construction of a new concrete slab about 50’ X 80’ has been started.  The land has been leveled and actual pouring of the concrete will begin sometime around September 1.  The slab will provide basketball and volleyball courts.  When the time comes for the El Faro Church to build its new multi-purpose building, this court will serve as the floor of the new building and the area will be converted into an indoor facility for worship and sports and other events.

New converts/new home group in Cuenca—Beautiful testimonies are coming from a recently converted family of four.  Just yesterday, German told me that he is learning a lot at the newly established home group led by Marcelo and Nube Munoz.  German said, “The reality is that we are quite ignorant about the teachings of the Bible.”  A smile rolled across his face as he shared how knowing Christ has enriched his understanding of the Word.  Pray for this new home group of three families that is meeting weekly.