Monday, September 16, 2013

New missionary arrives!


New missionary—Sheri Beck, who comes from Pennsylvania has completed her language training in Costa Rica and arrived safely in Guayaquil on the evening of September 9.  She has located an apartment and is now shopping for furnishings.

Corporation documents—We are expecting to receive two more sets of documents for our corporation application this week.  If we are successful, these will complete our latest requirements since the government has added to its list of papers needed. Keep praying.  We are getting close.

Lighthouse—Yesterday the Lighthouse Church celebrated a graduation of our intermediate students who are beginning high school.  They had caps and gowns and received diplomas for having completed the Bible course presented by our Sunday School teachers.  Attendance was a record 121 people, several of whom were there for the first time.  Next week we will baptize six new believers and enjoy picnicking and sports afterward at the Gualaceo River park.

Missionary retreat—Next week we will enjoy a three-day retreat with guests Pastor Jim Vermilya and wife, Jeanette, and our area director, Jarvis Ferguson. Pray for a time of refreshing.

Monday, September 2, 2013

New home groups meeting


Missionaries—The Wuertz family returned to Ecuador last week and the Rices, along with new missionary, Sheri Beck, will be coming to Ecuador a week from today, September 9.

Lighthouse—Tom started a two-part series on husbands and wives yesterday. Six people came forward to pray for a better marriage. Winter vacation is over and it’s back-to-school time.  Our attendance was up to near normal yesterday.

New home groups—We have a new Wednesday night home group as well as Tuesday night group meeting.  These are led by laymen from the Lighthouse. I was so blessed as one of our recent converts prayed at the opening of the meeting, “Thank you , Lord, for the opportunity to be here to learn more about God, to draw close to you in faith, and to give you thanks for your blessings.” It was a simple prayer, but you could sense it was from his heart.  Nothing is more exciting than seeing baby Christians hungry to know more about our great God.

Safety—We are so blessed that our team has had no serious accidents or illnesses recently.  We acknowledge the protecting hand of our God around us and ask you to pray it will continue to be so.  We thank the Lord, and we thank you for your prayers and for your heart for Ecuador.

Altar Cristiano relocation—Pray that the plan to relocate this congregation in Guayaquil will go smoothly.  Pray for the congregations and for Pastor Mazzini and Viejo.  Pray for wisdom for Tom as he meets with the pastors to unveil plans.